14 Jan Meet Danvert Tom
Danvert is the Director of Information Technology for Fire Rock Casino. He is Tot’soh’nii (Big Water Clan) born for Haltsooí Dine’é (Meadow People Clan). Maternal Grandfather is ‘Áshiihi (Salt People Clan) and Paternal Grandfather is Tódích’íi’nii (Bitter Water Clan). His home Chapter is Rock Springs, N.M.
He started at Fire Rock Navajo Casino as a Slot Technician. However, his passion for Technology led to a transfer to IT and continual growth as a Network Specialist and then as an IT Supervisor.
Danvert enrolled at Trinidad State Junior College focusing on Information Technology earning his AAS/Computer Networking Technology. While at Fire Rock, he earned IT certifications in hardware/software and infrastructure. He is finishing his Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems and plans to secure his Master of Information System Management degree.
Danvert says, “I enjoy the gaming atmosphere and interaction, coordinating and developing new innovative ideas for the future of Navajo Gaming. Working with NNGE, I uphold the fact of how employees work together as a team to enhance our gaming infrastructure for our sovereign nation economy.”
As for success, he tells us, “My advice to others is to always remember where you come from, know your surroundings and educate yourself to enhance your mind.”
Danvert Tom
Director of IT
Fire Rock Casino